- This payment could NOT have been more precious or costly. Any life is precious in the sight of God, especially human life, man made in the image of God. THIS human life was the Son of Man, Jesus Christ, who not only was man but was a PERFECT man. "He committed no sin, nor was deceit found in his mouth" 1 Peter 2:22. This was the Lamb of God without spot or blemish. And not only was He perfect, spotless man, He was the God/Man. There was DIVINE value to His life. In Acts 20:28 Paul speaks of "the church of God, which he obtained with HIS OWN BLOOD." Therefore, the value of this ransom payment was as infinite as the ONE who offered it up.
- This payment was FULL and FINAL. Just before Jesus breathed His last on the cross He uttered "It is finished!" John 19:30. This had the meaning of, "It is paid in full." With such a costly and infinitely valuable payment, even the debt of sin incurred by multiplied millions against the infinitely holy God was paid.
- A ransom payment was paid to free a slave FROM his present master to belong to another master. By Christ's blood we are freed from sin and Satan TO BELONG TO GOD. We are not our own masters. "You are not your own, for you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body." 1 Corinthians 6:19-20. TRUE FREEDOM is to be a love slave of the Father who has ransomed us at the price of His Son's blood. Slavery to God is pure and undiluted joy.
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
In Christ: Know It, Live It - 12 (Redeemed, How I Love to Proclaim It!)
Monday, March 30, 2009
In Christ: Know It, Live It - 11 (Destined to Be Family)
- A deep jealousy for the exaltation of man in his salvation. Because of the man-centeredness that sin brings to the human heart, man wants to retain some myth of control over his ultimate destiny. We do not naturally want God to be in control of our salvation any more than we want Him to be in control over our daily life. We would be lord, at any cost. But Jonah's cry is the heart of all biblical salvation theology: "Salvation belongs to the Lord" Jonah 2:9.
- A misunderstanding of what PREDESTINATION by God is all about. So often the mental images that come with the mention of predestination are things like: "It's not fair. If God predestined some for heaven just because He wanted to, then it means He predestined the rest of mankind to hell, just because He wanted to. Therefore, those not predestined have no choice. They are locked into unbelief and hell. Where is the fairness in that?" What this kind of "reasonable" and "rational" thinking does is to turn a doctrine Scripture intends to bring great glory to God into something that impugns His holiness. The Bible would have us see that ALL have sinned... willingly, rebelliously, and culpably (that is, with FULL responsibility for their sin) and therefore ALL justly and FAIRLY deserve hell. However, in rich and unfathomable mercy God has chosen some (and a very "large" some, at that) to be rescued from their deserved place in hell, by sheer grace, to a place in His family in heaven forever. He is infinitely JUST, so why not give all their just reward...hell? Because He is also infinitely MERCIFUL, and delights from the overflow of His nature to choose for some a destiny that is infinitely opposite to what they FAIRLY deserve.
Sunday, March 29, 2009
In Christ: Know It, Live It - 10 (Chosen to be Holy)
Look at what the Apostle Paul says God has chosen us in His sovereign, eternal grace to be: HOLY and BLAMELESS.
- Holy = moral purity. God IS Holy. God is innately and infinitely and eternally Holy. His is a native holiness, not a derived holiness. He has commanded that His people will be like Him: Leviticus 19:2: "You shall be holy, for I, the Lord your God, am holy." He has chosen us to be pure in every way: thoughts, actions, attitudes.
- Blameless = freedom from guilt. A wonderful picture of this are the unblemished sacrifices of the OT. The animal to be offered could not be deformed in any way. Jesus was the final, blameless sacrifice. God has chosen us to stand before Him and for there to be nothing in us that would be blameworthy because we have fallen short of His glory.
- Now...has God chosen us for a PRESENT holiness and blamelessness, or for a FUTURE holiness and blamelessness? Probably BOTH, and more! We have been clothed in the perfect righteousness of Jesus Christ NOW. We are holy and blameless before the Father as we are clothed in the merit of His Son. This is our STANDING (Romans 3:22). God is also working in us a PROGRESSIVE holiness and blamelessness day by day - taking us toward the goal of being conformed to the image of His Son (Romans 8:29; 2 Corinthians 3:17-18; 1 Thessalonians 3:13). Then, we are headed towards a full and eternal HOLINESS and BLAMELESSNESS when Christ returns (1 John 3:2). This will be our actual standing, character, and walk in Heaven. God has CHOSEN us for this.
Now consider: if God has CHOSEN us to be holy and blameless before Him, He WILL make it happen. In fact, He IS making it happen! All that is happening in my life has AT LEAST this goal: to make me, shape me, into a holy person. The Father is orchestrating the entirety of our lives as a "holiness mold." And HE WILL NOT FAIL. NO ONE the Father has chosen will fail to stand before Him holy and blameless some day. The pain, the disappointments, the joys, the long seasons where perseverance is needed...all for holiness. Consider also that holiness leads to happiness. Therefore, while God is working to make you holy, He is also working to make you happy. Our Father WILL NOT be satisfied with anything less than holiness in our lives. HE WILL SUCCEED IN OUR LIVES. Therefore: let's cooperate with Him! Take the view, the TRUE view, that God is working in and through all that is happening to you to make you holy and happy. When the going is rough, bow before Him in humble worship and accept the loving work of His hand. Obey when you don't feel like it. Keep doing right when a nice piece of retribution would feel good. Turn to Him in the dry time instead of the fridge or the Internet or the mall.
The story is told of Vince Lombardi, the legendary coach of the Green Bay Packers, that one day during practice he caught one of his players cheating during drills. He yelled out his name, and rebuked him on the spot, "If you'll cheat in practice, you'll cheat during a game. And if you'll cheat during a game, you'll cheat in life. AND I WON'T HAVE IT!"
Brothers and sisters, God has chosen us to be holy. He WON'T HAVE us being anything less. He IS making us holy. Count on it. Look for it. Cooperate with it. Thank Him for it.
Friday, March 27, 2009
In Christ: Know It, Live It - 9 (Chosen Choosers)
The wonderful biblical doctrine of ELECTION is taught so plainly in this verse. Election means that God has chosen some, by His mysterious and marvellous grace, from eternity past, to be redeemed from sin and destruction to Himself.
Here are some glorious elements in this CHOICE of God:
- God choses people to salvation IN CHRIST. Once again we see all that God has for His people comes to them IN CHRIST. Christ is the eternal Son who became also man...Christ lived a sinless life in obedience to the Father...Christ sacrificed Himself upon the cross, the righteous for the unrighteous, to bring us to God (1Peter 3:18)...Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, overcoming sin and death and hell ALL ON OUR BEHALF! Hallelujah! The Father could NOT choose anyone apart from His Son. However, in the Son, by the Son's merit, the Father chooses all that His love and grace delight and will to choose.
- This choice of the Father is BEFORE THE FOUNDATION OF THE WORLD. I.e. before creation, before matter and time and space, i.e. in ETERNITY. God's choice of us in Christ is an ETERNAL choice...a choice with no beginning (in time) and which can have no ending or expiration. Before Adam's sin, the Father chose us. Before His promise to bless the whole earth through Abraham's seed, the Father chose us. Before the eternal Son became also man, the Father chose us. Before we were born, before we exhibited a life of sin and rebellion, before we heard the gospel and responded...the Father chose us in Christ. What this means, of course, is that God's choice of us, His election, is based SOLEY UPON GOD's WILL and DELIGHT and LOVE and MERCY and GRACE and NOT upon anything we would be or do or think nor upon any association we would have with any person or family or church. God chose us because He chose us (see Deuteronomy 7:6-8 for the OT picture of this). The CAUSE of the choice is IN GOD, not in US. Again, HALLELUJAH! to our graciously choosing God. For had His choice been based on us, we would yet be lost and facing His eternal wrath and judgment.
Friends, we are God's because of FREE GRACE. God's choice of us is the CAUSE of our choice of Him. We are CHOSEN CHOOSERS. And that gives us NO ROOM to boast in ourselves. "Let the one who boasts, boast in the Lord." 1Corinthians 1:31.
Thursday, March 26, 2009
In Christ: Know It, Live It - 8 (What Kind of Blessing Have You Been Blessed With?)
Have you ever thought about it...WHAT is a SPIRITUAL blessing? Consider:
- Spiritual blessings come to us through the ministry of the Holy Spirit. The Father PLANNED our salvation, the Son ACCOMPLISHED our salvation, the Spirit APPLIES our salvation. That is, it is God the Holy Spirit who actually brings into our lives all that Jesus accomplished on our behalf. Without the indwelling Holy Spirit, the perfect life, sufficient death, and victorious resurrection of our Lord Jesus would not reach us to save us and sanctify us. For instance: God saved us, "...through the washing of regeneration and renewal of the Holy Spirit" Titus 3:5. Consider also: "...but if by the Spirit we put to death the deeds of the body, you will live" Romans 8:13. Or, "...we...are being transformed into the same image from one degree of glory to another. For this comes from the Lord who is the Spirit" 2 Corinthians 3:18. All the blessings of God purchased for us in Christ come to us through the Holy Spirit. Surely one thing this means is that we should seek not to grieve the Holy Spirit by pride and self-reliance and unbelief or loose use of our tongues (see Ephesians 4:29,30). We should instead depend moment by moment on the Spirit for wisdom and strength and love, joy, peace, patience, etc. We should "keep in step with the Spirit" Galatians 5:16. ONE MORE THOUGHT HERE: because these blessings come to us via the Spirit, they cannot fail to get to us or to get to us AS WE NEED them. Why? He is omniscient, omnipotent God!
- Consider also that SPIRITUAL blessings are not primarily MATERIAL. We are not Old Testament Israel, for whom the covenant with God included promises of healthy babies and plentiful food and much livestock and victory over physical enemies (Deuteronomy 28:1-14). Do you expect that knowing God and being in Christ means things like a large salary, a roomy house, healthy children, and a large 401k? This is NOT to say that God cannot and does not bless us with STEWARDSHIP over these kinds of things...surely He does. But the point is they are not the PRIMARY FOCUS of His blessings. Rather, He blesses us first and foremost with THE KINGDOM...and at the center of the KINGDOM is the KING! God has given us Himself. He has saved us to KNOW Him (John 17:3; Ephesians 1:17). What a horrifying thought that I could spend my life seeking food and clothing and security in savings when God has given me Himself. It is something on an infinitesimally small scale like the child who sets aside the expensive present on Christmas Day to play with the box and wrapping paper. Jesus made it plain that our pursuit in life should be the Kingdom, and that IN seeking the Kingdom (and the King) all else that we need would be provided (Matthew 6:33). Besides, too much material stuff rarely does anyone good. We are so idol-prone that our hearts tend to forge a little extra money or stuff into a golden calf.
Let's PRAISE God for spiritual blessings (we'll be looking at those that are cataloged in Ephesians 1) that are unfailingly brought to us through the Holy Spirit. Let's depend on Him to supply all that Christ has purchased for us, as we need it, and as we seek the KING.
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
In Christ: Know It, Live It - 7 (What does it mean to be IN CHRIST?)
To be "in Christ" means that by faith God has joined us to Christ in a real, organic, living union. It means that all that Christ is and that Christ has accomplished has become ours. What he has done is counted as done for us. The beautiful biblical picture of this is Jesus' allegory in John 15 of the Vine and the branches. HE is the Vine, the life giving source of all...WE are the branches, the dependent, life receiving extensions of His fruit-bearing. Apart from Him we can do nothing in the way of bearing fruit that has eternal character (John 15:5). All that God the Father has chosen from eternity to give to us comes to us IN CHRIST. It is always HIS MERIT, HIS WORTH that is counted ours that allows us to receive spiritual blessings.
A personal illustration of this:
- When I pastored in Texas years ago there was a man in our church who oversaw the finances for the sports program of a large, well-known university. He had many responsibilities in addition to his CPA-type work. But along with the responsibilities came some perks. And so, on a couple of occasions I accompanied him to sporting events: Division I basketball and football. One Saturday I went with my friend to a football game at the Houston Astrodome. We had no tickets...didn't need them. When we arrived at the Astrodome we did not go in the regular entrance...no...we went to a side door reserved for VIPs! We entered the door and proceeded down the hall to a special room...a room reserved for VIP guests to lounge and EAT FREE FOOD! I could get used to this really quickly! All around me were important looking people. Up and down the hallways walked young men at least 7 or 8' tall, weighing 400-500 lbs...well, actually they were college football players, and they LOOKED that way to me! No one asked me what I was doing there. No one asked me for an ID. They just treated me like I BELONGED there. Before long we went into the Dome where the game would be played. Where would our seats be? 50 yard line front row seats? Not today! We did not go into the stands. We walked right onto the field! We stood right on the sideline of the field, with the team, AS THE GAME WAS BEING PLAYED! Now, if you have never been to a major college football game and stood on the sideline of the field, you might not realize that IT IS A DANGEROUS place. 6'6"- 300 lb men running as fast as a small truck, chasing each other, trying to absolutely destroy the guy with the ball. Occasionally, the action would move towards our sideline position. When that happens, there is only one thing to do...RUN!
- Well, here's the point of all this: the VIP status that I enjoyed that fall Saturday in Houston was ALL BECAUSE OF WHO I WAS WITH. You might say I was IN my friend that day. We were like one (and you can be SURE I stayed close to him all the time!). I was treated like HE deserved to be treated. He had earned the position...I enjoyed the privilege.
And so it is with being "in Christ." The merit is His. The privileges are Ours...because we are united with Him by faith. And so is the Father's plan, that all His glorious riches will be ours in His Beloved (Ephesians 1:6 end).
Therefore, we MUST never forget the nature and reality of our union with Christ and we must give our all each day, moment by moment, to STAY CLOSE TO HIM, abiding in Him by faith, by immersion in His Word, by fellowship with other branches, by believing prayer, and by joyful, amazed worship.
Are YOU "in Christ"?
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
In Christ: Know It, Live It - 6 (Blessed, not Blasted!)
In chapter 1, v. 3, the Apostle Paul begins with this burst of blessing:
- There are 2 blessings here: Paul blesses GOD and God blesses US. Are they the same? No indeed! To bless God means to speak well of Him, to declare Him to be worthy of praise. Blessing God is recognizing and proclaiming His worthiness and greatness. However, when God blesses US, He does good to us, He benefits us, He gives us what we desperately need but do not deserve. Blessing God recognizes His eternal and infinite fullness. We can never benefit God by supplying a lack in Him. God blessing us is God supplying what we lack and need. God blessing us ALWAYS supplies a need in us. So...let us BLESS the BLESSING God for His gracious supply to us.
- Paul blesses God because He has blessed us. This is astounding. How so? God has BLESSED us when the Scriptures make it plain that God should have BLASTED us! We deserve judgment and wrath and eternal separation. Take a brief glance at 2:1-3 for our spiritual biography before Christ. I should live each day cringing at the expectation that the holy and almighty God has marked me out for wrath. But instead, I can live each day with the glorious expectation of BLESSING, favor, grace, intimacy, love. Amazing grace. What is your daily expectation from God?
- This blessing comes from God to us IN CHRIST. Tomorrow I'll share one of my favorite examples of how God's blessings come to us because we are IN CHRIST. For now, it is good to realize that the blessings are SECURE and eternal because they are in Christ. Why? Because His work was ABSOLUTELY COMPLETE (remember: "It is finished," the torn veil in the temple, and the RESURRECTION!). What security.
Monday, March 23, 2009
In Christ: Know It, Live It - 5 (Grace and Peace!?)
Note here:
- He wishes GRACE to them: Grace is God's undeserved favor. It is actually the OPPOSITE of what is deserved. But it is the ONLY way that God relates to us, His children. He NEVER relates to us in the way of works or deserving and merit. It is all of grace, from beginning to end, just like this letter begins with a desire for grace and ENDS with the same, "Grace be with all who love our Lord Jesus Christ with love incorruptible" 6:24. There is nothing we need more in life, day by day and moment by moment, than grace. Grace flows down from the GREATER to the LESSER. We never become a source or fountain of grace in ourselves, even after receiving God's grace for decades.
- He also wishes PEACE to them (and us): Peace, according to Thayer's lexicon, is: "The tranquil state of a soul assured of its salvation through Christ and so fearing nothing from God and content with its earthly lot, of whatsoever sort it is." I like that definition. Peace has to do with confidence that God is in control...for my good...and His glory...in all things...at all times...forever. Peace and contentment are also inseparable companions. If I am not content with my lot at any particular time, it can be traced back to a lack of confidence that God is in control, to the last detail. This letter ALSO begins with peace and ends with a blessing of peace, "Peace be to the brothers..." 6:23. Every day of our lives must begin and end with grace and peace if we are to live in Christ's supply.
- What is the source of this grace and peace? "...From God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ." Note:
-Our Father loves to provide richly and lavishly for us. He provides because He is our Father and we can be confident of His provision because we are part of His family. I don't know about you, but I love the thought of having DEITY as my FAMILY! Wow!
-Equally the source of grace and peace is our Lord Jesus Christ (telling us of HIS deity, as well). He is supreme ruler of all. He is God, Man, Savior. He CAN provide - He is Lord. He WANTS to provide - He is the Christ, whose coming was to serve and not be served (Mark 10:45).
Now, because the grace and peace we desperately need each day comes to us FROM God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ...
- It is ASSURED. The Father and Son are omnipotent deity. There has never nor can be depletion of His supply of grace and peace.
- It is CONSTANT. No need for the Father or Son to take a refueling or recharging break. The supply is infinite and therefore never stops flowing.
- It comes to us via RELATIONSHIP. Because grace and peace comes to us from the Father and Son, we learn it comes THROUGH RELATIONSHIP. I.e. as we relate to them, as we walk in faith and obedience to them. If my relationship with the Father and Son is not right through sin or unbelief, the flow of grace and peace to my life will be hindered. This calls for REPENTANCE: confessing my sin, turning from it, asking for grace to overcome, and once again accepting His full forgiveness and trusting Him for a full, unhindered flow of grace and peace once again.
May God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ give grace and peace to you as you walk with them in faith and obedience.
In Christ: Know It, Live It - 4 (Dual-Citizen Saints)
We are SAINTS, holy ones set apart to belong to God in Christ. God calling us and considering us saints is rooted in Christ and is a statement of our STANDING before God. We are FULLY and COMPLETELY SAINTS before God in standing who are BECOMING SAINTLY in our character and daily WALK.
As we look further into this inspired greeting, note also:
- Paul addresses these as the "saints who are IN EPHESUS..." 1:1. That is, they live somewhere. They have been given saint status by God in Christ, and that status is a statement of their citizenship in HEAVEN. They are now first and foremost GOD's PEOPLE (see Philippians 3:20). But...they are not in heaven yet. For now they live in Ephesus. I live in St Cloud, MN. I am a citizen of the U.S., of Minnesota, and of my city. I have responsibilities and rights as a citizen. Ephesian citizens had rights as citizens of the Roman Empire. They had a right to trial. They could vote. They could make legal contracts...etc. As a U.S. citizen I also have a right to trial when accused of any crime. I can vote in our local, state, and national elections. On the other hand I have the responsibility to pay taxes and to obey the law. I am a citizen of HEAVEN and of EARTH. How do I live out this dual-citizenship? Here are a few thoughts:
-My HEAVENLY citizenship is to control and give direction to my EARTHLY citizenship. See Philippians 3:20. My heavenly mindedness is to cause me to increasingly live the life of heaven on earth. Citizens of Heaven will not withdraw from life in this world. They will wade into the here and now. They will show the character of Heaven's citizen: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, etc. as they interact with neighbors, vote, work at their job, and buy groceries. They will literally flavor earth with the scent of heaven.
-My EARTHLY citizenship should always be lived with an eye on heaven. Again, see Philippians 3:20. We live immersed into life here but we do it with one eye on the sky, so to speak. We live waiting...for our King...who will transform us into full, forever citizens of the new heaven and new earth.
-Living as a citizen of HEAVEN here on EARTH will yield REWARDS for eternity that cannot be lost in a downturn of the market. Nothing done because we are God's people will be without reward. Paul writes so clearly and helpfully in another place,
"For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each one may receive what is due for what he has done in the body, whether good or evil." 2 Corinthians 5:10
If you have trusted the Lord Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord, you are a citizen of Heaven and you are a citizen of earth. I am a SAINT in Saint Cloud, MN. I don't always SEE clearly how to live out this dual-citizenship. But I am helped by realizing that Jesus my King is ultimate Ruler (Jesus Rules!) and that His rule extends to every nook and cranny of earth. If I walk in submission and obedience to Him, I will be ok. I will flavor earth with the foreign but life-giving scent of Heaven, and I will be a model citizen in the original and true intent of the word.
Saturday, March 21, 2009
In Christ: Know It, Live It - 3 (Authority to Speak, Saints in Standing)
Paul's greeting in Ephesians says,
"Paul, an apostle of Christ Jesus by the will of God, to the saints who are in Ephesus, and are faithful in Christ Jesus; grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ." Ephesus 1:1-2
Think about this greeting. Note that:
- Paul first identifies himself. He is "an apostle of Christ Jesus." In writing this he is making known his AUTHORITY to be writing this letter. An apostle, in the sense Paul was one, was someone personally commissioned by Christ, who had seen Christ, and was given authority to speak for Christ as His personal representative. As an apostle, Paul's message was CHRIST's message, not his own. But he DID have authority to speak in Jesus' name...and to write. SO DO WE. We are not apostles like Paul, but we ARE officially commissioned spokesman for the Lord Jesus Christ. Matthew 28:19-20 is Christ's authoritative commission for disciples to make worldwide disciples "to the end of the age." We have not reached that time parameter yet. The commission was therefore not only for the original 12, but for all the disciples who would follow, including you and me. Therefore, we have authority, permission from Christ to speak for Him. We do not need an invitation from the people in our lives to share the saving gospel with them. We have the right to do so because Jesus, who has ALL AUTHORITY in heaven and on earth has commanded us to do so. We must do so with sensitivity and genuine love, but the right to speak has been granted to us from Jesus. So...let's speak. Let's write. Let's email. Let's text message. It is a matter of obedience.
- Note also what Paul says about these believers: they are SAINTS. Where I live it seems every other town begins with "Saint." I live in Saint Cloud. Next to us is Saint Joseph. Down the road is Saint Anna, Saint Rosa, and Saint Wendell. Recently the newspaper announced that a Catholic priest who served lepers in Hawaii many years ago was about to take another step towards becoming a saint in the Catholic Church. Testimonies of miracles in answer to prayers addressed to him were the criterion for his advancement towards sainthood. But when Paul calls the believers in Ephesus "saints," is this what he meant? Surely NOT. SAINT means "holy ones," those SET APART from the world to belong exclusively to God. ALL BELIEVERS are SAINTS. Thus the plural here. Check out many other NT occurrences (e.g. Romans 1:7; 1 Corinthians 1:2; Philippians 1:1; Colossians 1:2). Calling all believers saints reflects their STANDING before God. That is, through faith in Christ, they have been given a perfect standing of righteousness before God. Saints is not their WALK, but their STANDING. They are saints FIRST, then they become more and more SAINTLY day by day until Christ returns and makes them perfectly holy in standing and walk. Are you aware of your sainthood in Christ? Are you aware of your brothers and sister's sainthood in Christ? We need to be careful both how we VIEW one another and how we TREAT one another. GOD has called us saints.
We'll look more at this inspired greeting in our next blog. For now, perhaps we might work on taking our letters and cards and emails back in time and make our greetings more truth-saturated. Maybe my next email to Fred might just be used of the Spirit to grab his heart and point Him towards the Lord Jesus. "Saint Fred, how in the world are you?" And let's not spend the next 10 years waiting for our friends and family to INVITE us to share the gospel with them. Christ has already COMMANDED it!
Thursday, March 19, 2009
In Christ - Know It, Live It - 2 (Knowing Comes Before Living)
The second three chapters of Ephesians (4-6) are all about HOW we are to live out this blessed life in Christ which God the Father has called us to. This simple division of the letter, this doctrine and then duty, this wealth and then walk, this KNOW and then LIVE, teaches us several important lessons:
- Knowing DOES come before Living. To live in a manner that is appropriate to our calling in Christ, we must first KNOW what it means to be in Christ. If we try to live without instruction in who we are in Christ, we will simply live OUR WAY, and not God's. And...our living will NOT honor God or be in a "worthy manner" 4:1.
- But even knowing who we are in Christ does not automatically or intuitively lead us to living correctly, in a God-pleasing way. We must be INSTRUCTED by God in the practical living, as well. We need the WORD to instruct us in every area of our lives. And therefore, we need to give ourselves to study and meditation in the Word so we know how to walk out our spiritual wealth.
And so, in Chapters 4-6 Paul gives practical instruction in:
- How to live in UNITY in the Church, 4:1-16
- How to CHANGE from what we were to what God has called us to be. There is a biblical process of change given in 4:17-32.
- How to live in love and purity and wisdom so that we properly imitate our Father, 5:1-20
- How we live as God's people in our relationships: marriage, family, work, 5:21-6:9
- How we fight the spiritual battles that are part of belonging to Christ and the church, 6:10-20
But to live this way we need this specific, practical BIBLICAL INSTRUCTION. We are not on our own to determine the best way to live...God has laid down His commands and principles for life for us. Therefore, once again, let us give ourselves to the Word in every area of our lives, knowing that our Father, who by grace has saved us from wrath, in grace ALSO has given us instructions for saved living.
Ephesians is a wonderful example of this: Know It (1-3), Live It (4-6). May God be gracious to us in giving us hearts to be taught in both.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
In Christ - Know It, Live It: 1 (Jesus Rules!)
The temple of Artemis in Ephesus was one of the 7 wonders of the ancient world, along with the Colossus of Rhodes, the Great Pyramid of Giza, the Hanging Gardens of Babylon, the Statue of Zeus at Olympia, the Mausoleum of Maussollos, and the Light House of Alexandria. It was 2x the size of the Parthenon in Athens.
Artemis (or Diana) was considered Queen over the heavenly powers as well as the gods of the underworld. It might well be proper to say that in Ephesus, "Artemis ruled." Perhaps a large portion of life for the citizen of Ephesus was determined by his relationship to Artemis.
Perhaps this also is a major reason that in this letter the Apostle Paul focuses on the ULTIMATE power and authority of the Lord Jesus Christ.
For example:
- God "raised him (Christ) from the dead and seated him at his right hand in the heavenly places, far above all rule and authority and power and dominion, and above every name that is named, not only in this age but also in the one to come. And He put all things under his feet..." 1:20-22
For the believer, being IN CHRIST means to be vitally and really and spiritually connected to the ONE who RULES over all powers in all places at all times..."Jesus Rules!" Christianity is indeed a POWER RELIGION. The One who has "all authority in heaven and on earth" Matthew 28:18, has commissioned us to partner with Him in His eternal work of making disciples, and He has promised to be with us in personal authority and POWER to accomplish it.
Of whom, then, shall we be afraid? Shall we not get on with it? JESUS RULES!