Sunday, June 1, 2008

Jesus, Children, and Kingdom Hearts

In Mark 10:13-16 we have the familiar gospel story of folks bringing their children for Jesus to bless. It was a common practice for a respected adult to lay their hands on a child's head and to pronounce a blessing over them. Jacob did this to the 2 sons of Joseph in Genesis 48:14. Having heard of the wonderful teaching of Jesus and the many works of power He had been doing around Israel, it is no wonder that caring parents wanted Jesus to lay His hands on their kids.

But the disciples did not like it one bit. Mark writes, "the disciples rebuked them" v.13. Why? It would seem that the disciples saw the persistent parents and their kids as bothers. Didn't these folks know how busy Jesus was? Did they have any idea what it was like to deal with crowds all the time? How would they like living in a human vise day in and day out? "Take your kids and go away. The Teacher can't be bothered." Besides, they were ONLY children.

I guess the disciples had already forgotten Jesus' earlier teaching about receiving children in His name (Mark 9:37) and how receiving a child in His name is receiving Him. How soon we ALL forget!

Jesus, on the other hand, did not like the disciple's attitude one bit. He was indignant, or "greatly grieved" v.14. Children were not a bother to Jesus. He had time and He had blessings for them. Jesus WANTED to take them in His arms and pronounce a blessing over them. And He DID. v.16

Jesus saw in these children kingdom-ready hearts, "to such belongs the kingdom of God" v.14. This does NOT mean, of course, that these children were sinless NOR that they were automatically members of His kingdom. They were descendants of Adam and sinful from birth (Romans 5:12ff). They were selfish and self-centered. However, it seems that Jesus is speaking about the characteristic of a child's heart that makes them aware of their weakness and need, that allows them to be trusting and to receive help simply and gratefully. This seems confirmed in His words in v.15: "Truly I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a child shall not enter it."

A child's heart is generally more humble and trusting and ready to receive help than those who are older. The older we get, the more the heart TENDS to become proud and untrusting. Therefore, we must be careful to teach and train our children in God's Word and God's ways from their earliest days. This teaching of spiritual truth will find receptive hearts in the young. Let's plow the fertile ground of their hearts with truth and plant it with spiritual seed (James 1:21).

But Jesus extends His teaching beyond children in v.15. He says "WHOEVER does not receive the kingdom of God like a child shall not enter it." Here He teaches that the attitude of heart of a child is necessary for one to enter the kingdom of God. What is the kingdom of God? In most general terms, the kingdom of God is the realm over which God rules. It is the hearts of those over whom God rules in Christ. Jesus came preaching the gospel of the kingdom. He is the KING of that kingdom. To receive the kingdom is to receive the rule of the KING in your life...OVER your life. Jesus says that it takes the heart attitude of a child to enter the kingdom. This is because the rule of King Jesus over one's life is only received by a humble, trusting heart. It is the person who KNOWS their weakness, their need of help, and who is willing to trust the King who will enter the kingdom.

How child-like is YOUR heart? Are you aware of your need of King Jesus? Are you willing for Him to rule your life as supreme KING? Will you trust His promises of forgiveness and grace and peace and all that is necessary for life and godliness (2Peter 1:3)? If either ARE or will be a citizen of the kingdom of God, a heart over which King Jesus rules in sovereign and loving power. If NOT...this King also uses His power to CHANGE the HEART of those who know their un-childlikeness and who CRY for a new heart, a humble, trusting heart.

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