Monday, October 6, 2008

Jesus WILLINGLY Went to the Cross

10 ways the Gospel of Mark makes plain the truth that Jesus went to the cross INTENTIONALLY and WILLINGLY:
  • 3 times in this gospel Jesus tells his disciples in no uncertain terms that he is heading to Jerusalem to die: 8:31; 9:31; 10:33-34. No surprise, just knowing certainty.
  • His ministry moves through many locations ultimately heading for Jerusalem during Passover, when he will die. 10:33
  • He presents Himself publicly and clearly as the Messiah during His Triumphal Entry. Whereas Jesus normally stayed out of the public and avoided crowds seeking to tag Him as Messiah, he PURPOSEFULLY does this at the front end of His last week, KNOWING it will hasten his steps a few days later to the cross. 11:1-10
  • He KNOWS Judas will be his betrayer and allows him to proceed with his treacherous work. 14:17-21
  • He fully submits to the Father's will to die just before He is arrested in the Garden. 14:32-42
  • He allows the chief priests and temple guards to arrest Him and carry Him off to the high priest for the mock trials that will decide his death sentence. He COULD HAVE called more than 12 legions (72,000) of angels to His side for rescue, Matthew 26:53 (note: one angel killed 185,00 soldiers in 2Kings 19:35!). But He called for no help except the Father to strengthen His soul.
  • Jesus makes it clear that what is happening is in fulfillment of Scripture (14:49) and therefore He intends to let it happen.
  • Jesus refuses to appeal to Pilate for release. 15:1-15
  • He allows the utter injustice of the cries to "crucify him!" to continue with no defense. He knows this will lead first to scourging, the dreaded flogging with cat-nine tails where his flesh would be laid open, perhaps to the bone. Some prisoners died at this point, never proceeding to their cross. 15:15:13-15
  • He submits to the mockery and cruelty of the Romans soldiers who clothe him as a fake King and beat Him with His pretend septer. 15:16-20.

These 10 reasons and MORE make it clear that our SAVIOR went to the cross NOT as a victim, but as one fully in control and fully aware of what is happening and what He is doing. He goes to the cross for the Father and for US. What INTENTIONAL, WILLING LOVE!

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