Friday, November 7, 2008

Hope for Later Life Through Moses

If you share with me the sorrow that your life has not counted for Christ and His Kingdom as it should have, and you are in the last half or last third of your life, I invite you to gain HOPE through the life of Moses.

Here's how:
  • Moses spent the first 40 years of his life in Pharoah's palace. He was trained there in the ways and thinking of Egypt. However, it is obvious that God's hand was on him.
  • Moses spent the second 40 years of his life in the desert tending the flocks of his father-in-law Jethro. There faithfulness and the character of a shepherd was worked deeply into his character.
  • Moses was called to serve God by going back to Egypt in the third and FINAL 40 years of his life. During this long and trying time Moses was described as being "faithful in all God's house" Hebrews 3:2. He was "faithful as a servant in all God's house" (3:5).

So...I have adopted Moses as my solely human example of faithfulness and impact for God in later life. He was not without failure. I won't be either. But the final and overarching description of his life was "faithful." And isn't that what we want to hear Jesus say to us someday? "Well done, good and faithful servant." I want to live for those words.

I pray most mornings that God would make me like Moses, faithful in all God's house in the last 1/3 of my life (if the Lord lets me live!).

However, I never want to forget that there is One greater than Moses in my life, and He is faithful as a Son of God over God's House, of which I am a part. His faithfulness in watching and empowering and praying for me will enable me to finish like a faithful Moses (Hebrews 3:6).

My friends, let us cry to God to make us like Moses...and Jesus.

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