Tuesday, June 2, 2009

In Christ: Know It, Live It - 48 (Unity through Diversity - 3)

Once you have discovered what your grace gifts are for serving in the body of Christ, HOW do you DEVELOP those gifts so that you can use them most effectively and fruitfully? Here are some suggestions:

  • Be open to being TRAINED BY OTHERS. There will probably be others in your church gifted with the same gift as you. Ask them to help you learn to use your gift more effectively. Watch them as they serve. Go with them when they serve. Have lunch with them and ask lots of questions. Ask them to work with you on a regular basis.

    Who can you think of at present that has the same or a similar gift to yours?
    Do you admire the excellence with which one of these serves? Who?
    Would you ask them to help you learn to use YOUR gift more effectively?

  • DIG INTO THE WORD. A few examples:
    i. If you have a gift of teaching, it is the BIBLE that you will be teaching. Learn it! Study it. Read it constantly. Learn how to communicate it to others.
    ii. If you have a gift of encouragement, it is the BIBLE that you will use to encourage others. Do the same as above with the gift of teaching. Be sure to memorize lots of Scriptures that give hope and help for different needs.
    iii. If your gift is leading, you need to know the BIBLE so that it is clear WHERE and HOW God would have you lead your home group or study or church. Study great leaders like Moses, David, Paul, and of course, JESUS!
    iv. If your gift is faith, you will need to know the PROMISES OF GOD IN THE BIBLE to hold onto as you are persisting to trust God for a particular need. Faith finds its strength in the promises of the Word of God.

    If you have identified a gift or gifts that God has given you, HOW can you develop them by using the Scriptures?

  • GROW in GRACE. As you grow in maturity, loving and trusting and obeying God, your character will develop in holiness and this personal holiness will cause your service using your gift to be even more effective.

    Have you noticed a different impact when someone teaches who doesn’t really seem to care for his audience versus when someone teaches and obviously loves the audience?

    i. The best way to develop a gift is by using it! Look for opportunities. Don’t just wait to be asked. Keep your eyes open for opportunities.

    ii. Stop to prayerfully evaluate your service after you serve. What could you have done better? How were your motives? What did you learn that will help you next time? What comments were made, whether positive or negative? What can you learn from them?

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