I. The Resurrection PROVED Jesus was Who He Claimed to be. Luke 24:44; Romans 1:4
-no resurrection and Jesus would have been just one of a long line of religious impostors with great claims but no reality. The resurrection was the trumpet call, "He has risen, just as He SAID"!
II. The Resurrection DEMONSTRATED God’s Full Acceptance of Jesus’ Death as Payment for our Sins. Romans 4:25
-like the PAID stamp on a bill, giving legal evidence that the payment has been accepted, the resurrection was God's "PAID in FULL", echoing Jesus' same words on the cross.
III. The Resurrection ANNOUNCED Jesus Christ’s Authority. Acts 2:32-36; Ephesians 1:19-23
-He REIGNS! HE is the head over ALL rule and authority. The resurrection was the definitive statement that Jesus is Lord of all.
IV. The Resurrection SECURED our Salvation. 1 Peter 1:3
-Jesus' resurrection gives us absolute certainty that our ultimate salvation is held in safe deposit in Heaven itself. Heaven-land security!
V. The Resurrection gives ASSURANCE that Jesus Christ will Judge the World. Acts 17:31; Acts 10:42
-The resurrection was God's proof that Jesus is the Judge. All men will face Him and He will make all right with an awesome and fearful justice. Either your sin is judged IN Jesus or your sin will be judged BY Jesus.
VI. The Resurrection gives a MEASURE of the Power that is Available to us from God. Ephesians 1:19-21
-The yardstick for God's power in our lives: the resurrection. We have RESURRECTION POWER available for living. This is power to achieve; power to be able. Able for what? Whatever God wills.
VII. The Resurrection GUARANTEES OUR RESURRECTION. John 14:19; 1 Corinthians 15:20-23
-He is the firstfruits of the resurrection. The Firstfruits was the very first of the harvest. They were offered to God as a symbol of a following and full harvest. The firstfruits said, "There's more to come! He's the firstfruits, we are the "more to come." His resurrection guarantees that.
May the fact of the resurrection fill you with worship of the Resurrected One today and with the certainty that all you need today and tomorrow and forever will be supplied as a consquence of Jesus' Easter morning triumph!
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