Thursday, July 16, 2009

Husbands and Wives from Ephesians 5 - Part 1

The most detailed passage in the Bible on God's design for marriage is found in Ephesians 5:22-33. Three verses address the wife (22-24). Eight verses address the husband (25-32). One summary verse addresses both (33).

ALL of these verses are set in the context of Paul's letter to the Ephesians. This has great consequence. It means that all that is taught BEFORE this passage to husbands and wives has a direct bearing on how the passage is to be understood and how it can be obeyed.

And so, while wives are struggling with SUBMISSION and husbands are struggling with LOVE, they (we!) need to be reminded that the letter doesn't START there! It starts with GOD and CHRIST and what God has done for us IN CHRIST. Of course, Paul reminds us of this throughout this passage as he teaches, "Wives, submit to your own husbands, AS TO THE LORD" (v.22) and, "Husbands, love your wives, AS CHRIST LOVED THE CHURCH" (v.25).

Before we look at any details or talk about practical HOW TOs in regard to submission or love, we need to go back and be reminded WHY it is possible for us to obey these commands. Today we'll briefly consider the fact that we are IN CHRIST.

Ephesians 5 talks about marriage IN CHRIST. It looks at God's will for wives and husbands in CHRISTIAN marriage. The difference between a secular marriage and a Christian marriage is not just that in a Christian marriage Christians are married. In a Christian marriage the husband and wife are IN CHRIST. They have been blessed with every spritiual blessing in the heavenly places IN CHRIST (1:3). When they were dead in trespasses and sins they were made alive by God's mercy and grace IN CHRIST (2:1-5). They are God's creations, created IN CHRIST JESUS for good works (2:10). They have been made members of the same ONE family of God, the body of Christ, the church through the CROSS OF CHRIST (2:11-22). They are God's children, they have God's inheritance, God's hope, God's power, God's Spirit, and know God's love IN CHRIST. And all of this makes them NEW CREATIONS IN CHRIST. Christian husbands and wives DO NOT face marriage day by day and the commands to love and submit with the limited resources of an ordinary sinner. All they will ever need to submit and love has been supplied to them IN CHRIST. They are joined to Christ, they are part of Christ, and therefore all that Christ is and has and has done is made available to them for marriage.

Before you think about WHAT you are to do, remember and believe WHOSE YOU ARE, WHO YOU ARE, and WHAT YOU HAVE...IN CHRIST.


Anonymous said...

Awsome Good job thanks

Anonymous said...

I was a very independent woman for many years when I met my husband. I don't know that I had ever submitted to anyone. The Lord stopped me in my tracks with many convictions. 1 Year later, I gave up all of my independence to be a home school mom and wife. The Lord has continued to teach my husband and I these scriptures. There have many trials! My husband is continuing to learn how to Shepherd our home and to love me as Christ Loved The Church as I am continuing to learn how to be a submissive Proverbs 31 woman. My daughter is loving being at home with us daily. Ephesians 5 & 6 have been our life with many other scriptures in the last 3 years. Go to the website. This is a ministry that we have been a huge part of by the Lords Grace. We would love to share more! Peace and Love in Christ! J & M