What JOY drew Jesus to the Cross?
- The JOY of PLEASING His Father. "For this reason the Father loves me, because I lay down my life that I may take it up again" John 10:17. It was the joy of the Son to fulfill the Father's eternal plan of redemption. It was Jesus' joy to do so WILLINGLY, that is, He passionately WANTED to go to the cross for His Father's pleasure and love. Have you ever known love so deep and constant that it gave joy in the doing of difficult and demanding tasks?
- The JOY of RETURNING to HIS GLORY. "And now, Father, glorify me in your own presence with the glory that I had with you before the world existed" John 17:5. In His earthly life as also man, Jesus' preexistent glory was veiled. There were no fiery cherubim flying overhead repeating the 3-fold "Holy!" (see John 12:41). He appeared as your average Jewish male with no distinguishing outward marks of greatness. But after the cross, Jesus would be restored to the Father's right hand in heaven-shaking glory as His majestic deity once again took away the breath of angels.
- The JOY of REDEEMING GOD-REJECTING SINNERS. "...When His soul makes an offering for sin, he shall see his offspring ; he shall prolong his days; the will of the Lord shall prosper in his hand. Out of the anguish of his soul he shall and be satisfied..." Isaiah 53:10-11. The joy of hearing His Father declare rebel sinners "not guilty" drew Jesus to the cross. The joy of seeing self-absorbed Satan-followers become worshipers of His Father drew Jesus to the cross. The joy of setting captives to drunkennes, adultery, gluttony, gossip, and sloth FREE drew Jesus to the cross. The joy of a CHURCH to act as His body on the earth for the forwarding of the gospel drew Jesus to the cross. And the joy of one day wiping away every tear from the eyes of His persecuted, hated, and tempted saints drew Jesus to the cross.
Jesus went to the cross WILLINGLY for the Father, for the restoration of His own glory, and for YOU and ME. Hallelujah, what a Savior!