Monday, August 18, 2008

A Faith we can LIVE by - Part 3

The faith of Abraham which we share as his "faith family" believes in the God who "gives life to the dead and calls into existence the things that do not exist" Romans 4:17. This faith also against failed human hope but in confidently expecting God-given hope TRUSTs God (v.18).

But there's more about this faith.

This faith by which we are justified and by which we are progressively sanctified (made into the likeness of the Lord Jesus' character) is necessary to BECOME what God has promised and willed for us.

"In hope he believed against hope, that HE SHOULD BECOME the father of many nations, as he had been told" (v.18).

What God has promised us in His Word can only BECOME a reality in our lives when we choose to BELIEVE Him. If I am stalled in the process of sanctification, at least one problem, and possibly the greatest problem, is UNBELIEF. God's work in us is always through the open door of faith. The great question is: Do I TRUST Him?

It is difficult to BELIEVE Him if:
  • ...My focus is on myself. BECOMING faith can only exist and can only grow when my focus is on the ONLY legitimate OBJECT of faith: GOD. The moment I start looking at myself and my failures and my lousy track record: faith dies.
  • ...I neglect God's WORD. Faith comes by hearing the Word of Christ (Romans 10:17). The WORTHY OBJECT of faith exalts Himself as supremely trustworthy and gives grippable handles for faith in His Word. Open the BOOK and feed your starving faith.
  • ...I focus on my FAITH. If I allow myself to start evaluating my faith, any that did exist will die. "Am I believing STRONGly enough?" "Is my faith sincere?" NEVER focus on your faith...focus on the OBJECT of saving and sanctifying faith and watch your trust grow.

As I look to Jesus, the OBJECT of faith, God will work in me what He has willed and promised. I must BELIEVE in order to BECOME what God has promised.

One more thing: faith is a gift (Ephesians 2:8,9) of God. Ask for it. And then look to the GIVER. In the looking will come the answer.

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