Tuesday, August 12, 2008

How to Avoid Being a Plastic Saint

In Mark 12:38-40 Jesus warns his disciples to "beware" the scribes. They like to DRESS like religious leaders (long robes), they like the TITLES of religious leaders (greetings in the market place), and they like the POSITION of the religious elite (best seats in the synagogues and feasts). But under the robes and behind the titles and in spite of the position they were in bondage to GREED (devour widow's houses) and the IMPRESSIVE PRAYER SYNDROME (for a pretense make long prayers).

This deeply entrenched religious play-acting (HYPOCRISY) was COSTLY: "They will receive the greater condemnation" v.40. God hates those who play the part of PLASTIC SAINT and in the process teach others to do the same. One day they will hear His fearful, "I never knew you" (Matthew 7:23).

How can we AVOID becoming PLASTIC SAINTS?
  • CHOOSE our MODELS wisely. Jesus is the real thing. "For the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve and to give His life as a ransom for many" Mark 10:45. When choosing who we will model our lives after as disciples, we must use the "JESUS RULER." He alone is the measurement of real spirituality. This is why the leaders of the church are to be tested by character qualities that measure up to Jesus (1 Timothy 3; Titus 1). Many run after the eloquent or the charismatic or the handsome when they should be looking not for gifts but the FRUIT of the Spirit, the Jesus Ruler measurement: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, etc.
  • Live for an AUDIENCE of ONE. The scribes and pharisees did what they did to be seen of men (Matthew 23:5). Who am I living to PLEASE? If it is others, the plastic is thickening. Colossians 3:23: "Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men."
  • LABOR hard to be WHO YOU ARE. Be honest and open before the Lord and before others, EVEN in church. Am I struggling? "Fine" is a plastic answer. Is temptation winning the battle over me? To be with my fellow church members and not to share my battle and to ask for specific prayer is plastic. Am I struggling with someone who has offended me? "That's ok" will pile up the plastic. Make it easy for others to be honest and vulnerable around you and one way to do that is by being that way with them...even if they don't know how to handle it. But in the honesty and vulnerability don't infect others with unbelief and a critical spirit or with gossip.

May the Lord of the saints who are perfect in their standing and IMPERFECT in their walk grant you and me to be the real thing, knowing that we are accepted in the Beloved One now and forever.

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