Monday, June 1, 2009

In Christ: Know It, Live It - 47 (Unity through Diversity - 2)

How strong and unified our churches are when each member knows and uses the gifts for serving that Christ has given them. But HOW do believers DISCOVER what these gifts are?

Here are a few ways to discover one's grace gifts for serving the body of Christ:
  • SERVE. These gifts are gifts FOR service. When we serve, our gifts eventually show themselves because certain areas of our service are more noticeably effective and helpful to others. We don't need to know our gifts before we serve. Rather, it is IN serving that they are revealed and confirmed.
  • LISTEN. As we serve others they will be blessed and helped by our spiritual grace gifts. As other believers are helped they will be grateful to GOD and to US. When you hear that you have been especially helpful in a certain area of ministry REPEATEDLY, you are very likely hearing confirmation of a grace gift.
  • ASK. Ask your pastors and elders if they have observed or heard indications of grace gifts through your service. These men are serving where they are because they have maturity and wisdom and their confirmation is especially important and encouraging.
  • PRAY. Ask the Lord to make you aware of your grace gifts through your service in the church. Ask so that you can give more of your time to this area of service and so that you can seek further equipping in this area of service. But don't be afraid to ASK, because "you have not because you don't ask" James 4:2b.
  • DESIRE. Normally the grace gifts we have been given will agree with the desires we have for ministry. For example: those with a teaching gift desire to teach and are especially drawn to other teachers' ministry. Those with gifts of mercy or helps DESIRE to be of help and see situations where help is needed (often when others DON'T see the need), and so on. WHAT do you have a real desire to DO in the church? What do you get excited and passionate about doing? This will normally be an indication of a grace gift.
  • STUDY. Look into the Scriptures at the grace gifts listed in places like 1 Corinthians 12, Romans 12, Ephesians 4, and 1 Peter 4. Also, take advantage of one of many gift inventories available (you can look on the Internet and find numerous good inventories). These inventories are not "inspired" but they can be helpful in indicating grace gifts.

We WILL be accountable for the stewardship of our grace gifts in serving the body of Christ. KNOWING what those gifts are helps us to know where MORE of our focus should be in serving and in being equipped.

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