Friday, June 5, 2009

In Christ: Know It, Live It - 51 (Unity through Diversity - 6)

WHO is to do the work of ministry in the local church?

"...To equip the SAINTS for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ" Ephesians 4:12.

Evangelists and pastor/teachers are to EQUIP believers to do the ministry. The "Ministry" sounds like an exalted, specialty vocation. And it IS. But "ministry" is the Greek word "diakonia," from which we get "deacon." Its basic and usual meaning is just plain ole exalted SERVICE. It is the picture of Jesus putting on His apron and washing the disciples dirty feet.

When folks have introduced me as their "minister" I know they mean their vocational pastor/teacher/elder. But it is really a wrong designation. I am called and paid to equip, THEY are called to serve the body with their grace gifts. And this calling to minister to the body of Christ is NO SMALL CALLING. It is the high calling of EVERY SAINT, EVERY BELIEVER.

Like Jesus, we are called to put on the apron and grab the basin and wash feet. When we serve even the least...ESPECIALLY the least, we are yoked to our MASTER and are laboring together with Him.

We are CALLED to serve.
We are GIFTED to serve.
We are to be EQUIPPED to serve.
Our service is NEEDED.
We are NEEDY of the service of others.

Your church is healthy or sickly dependent on how faithfully the saints SERVE with their grace gifts. Are YOU using yours? Are you looking for others to equip in using theirs?

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