Thursday, June 4, 2009

In Christ: Know It, Live It - 50 (Unity through Diversity - 5)

In addition to the EQUIPPING gifts of Apostles and Prophets, the victorious Christ also gave EVANGELISTS and PASTOR/TEACHERS to refit the church for ministry.

EVANGELISTS are gifted with the divine ability to share the gospel and win others to Christ. But that is not all. Evangelists are also gifted to EQUIP others to evangelize. We can see this in the Billy Graham Association's evangelism training institutes, which have been around for a LONG time. Bill Bright and Campus Crusade is another prominent example of gifted evangelists and an entire worldwide training structure. A friend of mine, Ed Lacey, is also a fruitful evangelist in local churches around the world who trains others in biblical evangelism and provides materials for evangelism. We need MORE evangelists to be equipping everyday believers to fulfill this ministry.

Evangelists range in variety from the mass evangelism of a Franklin Graham or a Luis Palau to the one-on-one evangelism of those gifted in your local church. BOTH are needed and have a crucial place in church ministry. Both have gifts that are just as divine in their origin and operation. I would love to see more one-on-one type of evangelists to see their mission as coming along side other believers for training.

PASTOR-TEACHER is one two-sided gift. These are the men who shepherd local churches around the world, feeding believers through their faithful and systematic public and private teaching of the Word. Their shepherding and teaching is not just to feed, however. There is always to be an EQUIPPING flavor to their ministry. Pastor/Teachers are always looking for ways to prepare and fit their people for using their gifts.

In addition to evangelists and pastor/teachers being gifted to equip others for ministry, EVERY gifted believer can have some equipping impact on other believers. Others will have the same or similar gifts as you. You can share with them what you have learned. You can take them with you when you serve. You can give them constructive criticism as you observe them serve. You can give them opportunities to serve. You can encourage them. You can give them a good book that is helpful for training.

Some great venues for EQUIPPING in the local church:
  • Sunday morning CORPORATE WORSHIP: it takes place here as the Word is preached, as worship is lead, as prayer is offered, as greeters greet, as ushers ush, etc. WHENEVER we serve other believers, there is an element of example and training that happens. So...whatever service you offer, do it with excellence for Christ and the body.
  • Sunday School (we call it Life Training): These classes can be intentionally equipping in such areas as evangelism, teaching, leadership, counseling, etc.
  • Home Groups: these more intimate settings are perfect for giving folks opportunities to serve and use their gifts in ways that are not available on Sunday mornings. Give opportunities to teach, to share a devotional, to organize an outing, to lead a training on discipleship, to provide refreshments, to welcome the group as they arrive, etc.
  • One-on-one meetings: when men meet or women meet face to face for very specific purposes, IRON DOES SHARPEN IRON (Proverbs 27:17). Who could YOU be meeting with to help them in their growth in the use of their gifts for serving?
  • Retreats: these times for men, women, youth, etc. to get away can be great, intensive training times and should be used for this purpose.
  • Conferences: we send out folks to teaching, worship, and leadership conferences to further equip them for service. The fruit from these times has been noticeable.
  • ETC.: ANY time that we spend together as believers, especially older with younger and more experienced with less can be used to equip others for ministry.

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