Sunday, February 24, 2008

Solution to a Hardened Heart

We talked a few days ago about what a hardened heart is. I wanted to add a few more specifics regarding God's solution to a hardened heart.

  • Repent – “Lord, I realize that I have stopped being teachable before you. When I have read your Word I have not come with a hungry heart. I have not come to corporate worship with the intention of applying and obeying Your Word. I have not been expecting You to speak to me. Father, please forgive my closed ears and grant to me a renewed appetite for Your Word…for You. Grant to me the heart of a disciple; a willing, obedient disciple.”

    Fear the Lord – When reading the Word or hearing the Word taught or receiving an encouragement or admonition from another believer:

    -Pray for ears to hear what the Lord Jesus would teach you.

    -Remember it is God speaking. It is His Word, not the word of men.
    -Remember God desires to speak first of all to you as you listen, not primarily others.
    -Work hard to hear: listening carefully and attentively, taking notes.
    -Apply what you learn. This word from God’s Word is for putting into practice: thinking, speaking, acting in more godly ways.
    -Seek to take away at least one truth that you will meditate on further and apply.
    -Share what you have learned with others.

    Walk with the Righteous – stay in fellowship with believers who love the Word of God, live in it and live it out, and who will challenge you with it.
    Hebrews 3:12,13

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