Thursday, May 7, 2009

10 Scriptural Reasons YOU CAN CHANGE - 1

Is change possible for everyone? Can we become more and more like Jesus no matter what our background, no matter what our present circumstances, no matter what our age? Can an "old dog" who is a believer really learn "new tricks"? Can deep, long-entrenched habits of thinking, acting, and responding be overcome and replaced by godliness? Or, as Jeremiah wrote, "Can the Ethiopian change his skin or the leopard his spots?" Jeremiah 13:23.

The immediate answer is, "NO!" That is, NO, if we are asking, "Can I change deep, long-entrenched habits in my life and replace them with godly habits BY MY OWN STRENGTH and BY MY OWN STRATEGY (or with the latest self-help best seller)?"

But if we are asking, "Does GOD have a way, does He make PROMISES that people like me can truly, lastingly change in a God-ward direction?" Then the answer is a resounding, biblical, tried-and-proven-by-believing-saints in all ages, YES!"

For the next 10 days or so, Lord willing, I want to look at ONE REASON a day why this kind of deep, lasting, godly change is possible and promised.

Reason Why God says we can change #1:

Because we are BORN AGAIN.

This may seem like a no-brainer, but it isn't. Often we DO NOT fully understand or keep understanding that being born again is the most life transforming, heart-changing, destiny-altering experience of human existence. Jesus said to Nicodemus, "You must be born again" John 3:7. Being born again is to be raised from spiritual death to spiritual life (Ephesians 2:4-9). It is to be given the very life of GOD himself! It is to be given a heart of flesh (softness and willingness towards God) that has a new bent towards God and is moved and empowered to obey God by the power of the now indwelling Holy Spirit (Ezekiel 36:26,27).

If you are born again by the Spirit of God YOU ARE NOT WHO YOU USED TO BE. "If any man be in Christ (born again) he is a NEW CREATION, the old things have passed away. Behold, all things are new" 2 Corinthians 5:17. You are:
  • A NEW PERSON, with
  • A NEW POWER, and
  • A NEW MASTER, who
  • GIVES NEW DESIRES, and who

Your ability in Christ and by the Spirit to grow and change and to overcome enslaving habits of the past is JUST AS GREAT AS ANY BELIEVER WHO HAS EVER LIVED. Why? Because you are BORN AGAIN. There are no lesser or great-ers here. We are on the level (but elevated) ground of those with the very life of God.

Radical life change towards godliness can only happen when there is the most radical of all changes in the HEART. "You must be born again."

Are you? If you are not sure, read on...

To be born again and to be given God's life requires you understand:

-God created the world and created us to live under His good rule.

-mankind, beginning with the first man and extending all the way to us, has REJECTED God's rightful rule.

-God’s rightful response to man’s rejection of His rule is JUDGMENT and DEATH.

-God is JUST, but also MERCIFUL and LOVING. In His mercy He has given His Son, Jesus Christ, to suffer judgment as a sinless substitute for those who have rejected God’s rule in their life.

-God commands all people to TURN from their rejection of His rule and TRUST Jesus Christ as their RESCUER and MASTER. To the humble person turning and trusting His GIFT is eternal life.

If you have not TURNED from your own way and your own saving devices and your own religion and your own idols of pleasure and possessions and reputation, DO IT TODAY! TURN to Christ, and TRUST in His saving sacrifice for rebel idol-worshipers like yourself. He DELIGHTS to forgive and rescue idol-worshipers and make them His own. He loves to make lost people BORN AGAIN.

If you would like more information on this being BORN AGAIN drop me a line at or

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