Sunday, May 10, 2009

10 Scriptural Reasons You Can Change - 4

Reason why God says you can change - #4:

"The Sovereign Control of God"

"And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose" Romans 8:28

The following verse, of course, teaches us that the GOOD which God is sovereignly controlling all things for is that we might "be conformed to the image of His Son" Romans 8:29. Being made like Jesus is the constant and ultimate goal of all things in our life. How is it that ALL things work for our becoming like Jesus? Behind every move of the planet, behind every germ that flies through the air towards our nostrils, behind every car on the road next to us, behind every lost job and new job, behind family trials and family blessings, behind today's sermon and tomorrow's devotional reading, behind "chance" happenings and behind the most detailed of planning...there is our Father in Heaven CAUSING all things to be transformed into transforming events in our lives.

God uses all things at all times in all ways as CHANGE AGENTS in our lives. It is IMPOSSIBLE for us not to continue changing and growing into the likeness of Christ with the sovereign God at the helm of the universe.

On one level, the question, "Why is this happening" is ALWAYS answered "to make me like Jesus Christ." Why is God so determined to make me like His Son? HE alone is the perfect man, the sinless man...the One who lived His entire life in submission to the Father. He alone is the man who lived the life of perfect reflection of God. Only like Jesus can I be fitted for eternity.

Life is BEING MADE LIKE JESUS 101. That class no believer can audit or skip or exempt. The sovereign Lord is the instructor and his assistants are many: good, bad, devils, angels, people, the physical universe, etc.

May God grant us grace to be good students and to trust our Great Instructor in all his glorious and sovereign methods of CHANGE.

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