Monday, May 11, 2009

10 Scriptural Reasons You Can Change - 5

Reason God says we can change #5:

"We have the change agent of the Word of God."

The Bible is no ordinary book. It was written by men who were guided to the very choice of individual words in their writing so that the end result is that it is in its entirety the very WORD OF GOD (2 Peter 1:19-21). Since it is the Word of God, it is ALIVE and POWERFUL (Hebrews 4:12,13). This Word is like a sharp sword that pierces to the very core of our being and REVEALS to us what we are really like. I may think I do not need to change in certain areas of my life, but the Word holds up the mirror of God's REALITY to my mind and shows me that I have an embarrassingly dirty moral face.

The Word of God is PROFITABLE in every way for change (2 Timothy 3:16,17). It is profitable for TEACHING, REPROVING, CORRECTING, and TRAINING IN RIGHTEOUSNESS. Another way of thinking about this is the analogy of a PATH. The WORD of God shows us the path (Teaching). It teaches us how to walk in God's way in our finances, parenting, witnessing, church life, and more. It also shows us when we have SKEWED from the path (REPROOF). I remember well a morning when I was reading in Proverbs and encountered a verse about "honest scales." I was immediately convicted that I was compromising in an area of our family finances and had to repent. I was thankful (eventually!) that the Word shined its light on my wayward ways. The Word of God is also God's CHANGE AGENT in that is shows us how to GET BACK ON the path (CORRECTION). If I find that a significant part of my moral dirtiness is the way I use my tongue to belittle others, the Word shows me how to use my tongue to BUILD others up: what to say, how to say it, when to say it, why to say it (Ephesians 4:29; Proverbs 15:1; Colossians 4:6; 1 Corinthians 10:31). God's Word also instructs me, once I have seen my sin and corrected my path, how to STAY MORE FAITHFULLY on the Path (INSTRUCTION IN RIGHTEOUSNESS). How do I discipline myself for the purpose of godliness? The Bible is my spiritual fitness manual (1 Timothy 4:7ff).

The Bible is able to build me up (Acts 20:32), to daily restore my soul (Psalm 19:7), to supply everything I need for life and godliness (2 Peter 1:3), and to give wisdom and joy (Psalm 19:7,8).

The Bible presents to me the inspired picture of the One whom God is changing me to be like. As I gaze long and deeply on the Lord Jesus as He is presented in the Scriptures, I am being transformed into His likeness (2 Corinthians 3:18).

And so...with this inspired CHANGE AGENT available to me at all times, I TAKE HOPE that even the most deeply entrenched habits from my old life can change as I...
  • READ the Bible regularly,
  • MEDITATE on the Bible regularly,
  • OBEY the Bible regularly.

This book not only describes and defines the CHANGE that God wants in my life, it CHANGES me with divine power because it is the VERY WORD OF GOD.

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