Sunday, May 24, 2009

In Christ: Know It, Live It - 40 (NT Style Motivation)

How does Christ motivate His people to obedience?

There is a world of difference between angrily exhorting people to be what they are NOT and CALLING folks to be what they ARE.

For example, a pastor could say to the congregation, "God commands us to be His witnesses. We are doing a poor job at sharing the gospel. Why aren't you witnessing more? When will you start being more faithful to evangelize?" On the other hand, he could say, "Jesus said that we ARE salt of the earth and the light of the world. Let's realize that and be who we are! Let's step up to the plate as we interact with folks this week. Let's be the influences that Christ and His Spirit have made us."

Which would motivate you more? I had a wise professor who once said, "You cannot coerce spirituality." You can't badger or berate or verbally or emotionally abuse believers into Spirit-filled obedience to Jesus Christ. Trying to beat folks into obedience ONLY produces legalistic, man-centered and self-dependent religion. There is no joy, no power, no glory to Christ.

However, I would say that New Testament motivation is the second kind. NT motivation is to CALL US TO BE WHAT WE ARE. It calls us to LIVE UP to what God has done for us and in us in Christ. This is the kind of motivation we find in Ephesians. THIS IS WHO YOU ARE IN CHRIST, Chapters 1-3, and then LIVE IT OUT!, Chapters 4-6.

There is DEATH to FAITH and EFFORT when we think we have to become something that we are not and to become so by our own power. There is LIFE and POWER for obedience when we begin to understand WHO WE ARE in our Lord Jesus Christ and what HE PROVIDES for obedience.

Focus today on what your Lord has done and who you are in Him. Believe that you ARE chosen, predestined, redeemed, indwelt by the Spirit, secure, and forever a part of God's glorious inheritance. Believe His unfathomable love for you in Christ. Believe it. Breathe deeply of the fresh and invigorating air of grace. Let the daily and eternal hope of His calling birth in you a fresh faith and a springy obedience...with joy.

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