I must "behold" the glory of the Lord to be transformed into his image by the Spirit of God. To "behold" him means to see him, study him, meditate on him as he is revealed in the Word of God. It is not thinking on "what would Jesus do?" and supplying the answers from the reservoir of my own mind. It is diving into the inspired, inerrant account of his life in the Scriptures and asking questions like: "What does this teach me about Jesus?" "What do I learn here about his glorious sacrificial love?" "How did Jesus handle anger here?" "How did Jesus do battle with the devil here?" "How did Jesus respond to his accusers?" and "What can I do to imitate Jesus in this area in my life?"
It means that I look to see the glory of his grace and truth (John 1:14) in all he does and says. I often forget that this is the unique God/man I am reading about. No one was or will be like Him. I am forced over and over to cry, "Oh God, give me your Spirit's help to SEE Jesus as He is. Open my eyes to see His glory and so to be transformed into his likeness. Help me to be an imitator of Jesus."
It is my great encouragement to know that the ONE I am seeking to see and be like is the same one I can cry to for eyes to see and a heart to obey.
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