Sunday, April 26, 2009

10 Basic Guidelines for Biblical Communication -1

James tells us that the tongue is the final frontier of sanctification. That is, "if anyone does not stumble in what he says, he is a perfect man, able also to bridle the whole body" James 3:2.

The problem we have with our tongue is that it is the direct outlet for our heart. If it is in our hearts, sooner or later in one way or another it will find its way out through our speech. Even though our gracious God has given us new hearts, the reality is that there is what the old theologians called "remaining sin" still resident within us. And there is no place where the remaining sin within shows itself more than in our speech. And so, the Bible tells us to "put off" what remains that is part of our OLD life, the before-Christ life, and "put on" what is characteristic of our NEW risen life with Christ.

And so, in its always "profitable" way (2 Timothy 3:16,17), God's Word gives us guidelines for the taming of the tongue, the changing of our hearts. I will list 10 of these guidelines, beginning with the first one today:

10 Basic Biblical Guidelines for Biblical Communication

1. Speak the truth in love. Ephesians 4:15
It seems the basic problem we have in our speech is either to deceive or to be harsh. We don't want to be seen as we are and we want to be seen as more than we are. We "tweak" the truth so that we can be satisfied we are close enough not to be accused of lying. We hide the truth to disadvantage the other person. Untrue or insincere words are the fig leaves we still wear in our relationships that are evidence there is separation between us. We are afraid of each other. We fear rejection. We fear the judges will give us a mediocre 6.5 for our performance in life. And so we seek to manipulate one another with words that are crafted with evil genius to control the thinking of those around us. "Don't see me as I see me...see me as I WANT you to see me." And in this manipulative thought-shaping we leave the truth far behind and the distance between us intact.

How refreshing and healing, on the other hand is godly communication. Confession of sin. Honest, non-adjusted admitting of wrong. Rebuke when it is needed. Commendation and honoring when it is due. Being who we are before those with whom we live without embellishment.

Only THE TRUTH, the Living Word Jesus and His Written Word the Bible, can set us free to speak truly to one another. This is one of many places where the PRACTICALITY of grace and God's choice of us in Christ can be seen. If indeed we are the BELOVED of God, what have we to fear from one another? If the HOLY GOD knows all our failures and weakness and remaining sin in FULL RELIEF, and STILL cherishes us as children and RECEIVES us as Christ himself, WHY do we need to hide from one another? We don't...but we still do...until and as these truths sink deeper within our souls. Truly the truth of His grace to us in Christ sets us free to be true to one another.

May His love for you set you freer today to speak the truth to those around you.

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