Friday, April 10, 2009

How the Lamb Has Conquered

After the SLAIN but LIVING LAMB takes the scroll from the One on the throne in Revelation 5, there erupts from Heaven to the far corners of the universe a praise service such as has never been seen or heard before.

It begins with the cherubim and the mysterious 24 elders. From a prostrate position (Revelation 5:8) and with golden harps (the instruments of praise) and golden bowls full of incense, which are the prayers of the saints (are these the long, patient prayers for God to bring His justice and finish His redemptive plan and bring all things to their promised end?) they sing a new song:
  • NEW SONG is a song that is sung to celebrate a divine act of blessing and deliverance. What act of deliverance does this song celebrate?
  • WORTHY ARE YOU to take the scroll: again, WHY? HOW has He become worthy? How has He conquered?

Here's HOW the Lamb has CONQUERED:

  • FOR YOU WERE SLAIN. The Cross is the Sovereign God's weapon for conquering death and hell and sin and Satan. The crucifixion of God very God the Son, the violent spilling of His own life blood is the STRATEGIC PLAN for utter and complete and eternal victory.
  • AND BY YOUR BLOOD you RANSOMED people for God. The Cross conquered because on it the price was paid to RANSOM us for God. The price of our infinite guilt against the INFINITE ONE was nothing less than HIS own INFINITELY VALUABLE LIFE. The Lamb slain was the price paid. On the cross HE "disarmed the rulers and authorities and put them to open shame..." Colossians 2:15. Now we are not only forgiven but we also BELONG to God. We are His possession. We are not our own, we have been bought with a price (1 Corinthians 6:19-20).
  • FROM EVERY TRIBE AND LANGUAGE AND PEOPLE AND NATION: The victory is utter and complete because from EVERY people group on earth men have been ransomed to God. ALL are represented. Not one is lacking. Satan succeeded in destroying NO people group on earth. Sin could not keep every individual in any remote jungle tribe from the sovereign, saving power of the CROSS. The heavenly choir will be complete with tenors in Swahili and bass singers in the language of Taliabo and sopranos from Kazakhstan and altos from the Eskimos.
  • And YOU HAVE MADE THEM A KINGDOM AND PRIESTS TO OUR GOD: Rebels have been won to willing submission to the King of Heaven by the Cross. Multiplied millions of men and women who lived life utterly committed to serving their lusts now joyfully and with deepest soul satisfaction serve God as His priests. The CONQUERING of the CROSS goes to the deepest recesses of the human heart. Full redemption.
  • AND THEY SHALL REIGN ON EARTH: We will reign with King Jesus. The reign that was man's created purpose will be restored. How? The SLAIN LAMB on the CROSS.

Let us join the cherubim and elders in prostrate praise.

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