Sunday, May 3, 2009

10 Guidelines to Biblical Communication - 7

A SEVENTH guideline for Biblical Communication:

"Refuse to listen to information you have no business knowing about a problem between others and don't give information to people who are not immediately involved with a problem. To give information to those outside the loop of a problem often equals GOSSIP and gossip is a serious sin before the Lord and to the body of Christ: Proverbs 11:13; 16:28; 18:8; 26:20."

John MacArthur comments that a gossip is someone who "peddles scandal." It is one who speaks words deliberately intended to harm rather than merely unguarded speech.

This is one of the most difficult of all sins of the tongue to tame! For some of us the temptation to gossip begins as we listen to gossip from others and do nothing to stop it. Speaking up to question whether certain information should be shared runs counter to the FEAR of MAN (Proverbs 29:25). We ARE a curious culture and we want to know every juicy bit of information that is available. There is often a secret delight in the failure of others. Our tendency to sinfully compare ourselves with others is satisfied through gossip.

If you are not directly responsible or involved in the problem someone is facing or the sin they have fallen to or its solution, DO NOT listen to details about the situation. Most often a general "John needs special prayer at this time" is sufficient to elicit prayer from those who are not hungry for the morsels of gossip. If a brother wants to know more, tell him you are not at liberty to share more.

If you do not know whether a brother is OK with you sharing information about his problem or need...ASK HIM. You may need to ask him exactly WHAT he is comfortable with you sharing with others. If you are not sure what to share, ERR on the side of less details and more general information. As we are careful about what we share and what we listen to, we will protect our brother's rightful privacy, prevent gossip, and protect our brothers and sisters from the temptation to gossip.

1 comment:

gregnicholas said...

Mike--Your posts on Biblical communication are very helpful--thank you. Greg